Chapter 2: Chunks

Now that we've got our ChunkType struct, we can implement the rest of our chunks. You'll be using the PNG file structure spec again. Section 3.2 has all of the information you need.

The toughest part of this assignment will be creating a chunk from a sequence of bytes using the TryFrom trait. Implementing the as_bytes() method may also be tricky depending on how much experience you have working with iterators. Check the hints for this chapter if you get stuck.

Calculating the CRC

Check out crc::Crc::checksum in the crc crate. If you really want to implement this yourself, have at it. Your CRC needs to match the CRC that I get from the crc crate.

Don't forget to include the chunk type in your CRC calculation.


Using the PNG file structure spec, implement PNG chunks. Your chunks should contain the four pieces of data laid out in section 3.2 of this link.

You need to provide methods that return each of the four pieces of data, the chunk data interpreted as a string if it is valid UTF-8 (or an error otherwise), and the entire chunk as a sequence of bytes in the order required by the PNG spec. Method signatures are provided below.


  1. Copy the unit tests below and paste them at the bottom of your file.
  2. Write a Chunk struct with your implementation of PNG chunks.
  3. Implement TryFrom<&[u8]> for your Chunk.
  4. Implement Display for your Chunk.
  5. Required methods:
    1. fn new(chunk_type: ChunkType, data: Vec<u8>) -> Chunk
    2. fn length(&self) -> u32
    3. fn chunk_type(&self) -> &ChunkType
    4. fn data(&self) -> &[u8]
    5. fn crc(&self) -> u32
    6. fn data_as_string(&self) -> Result<String>
    7. fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>
  6. Pass all of the unit tests.

Unit Tests

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::chunk_type::ChunkType;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    fn testing_chunk() -> Chunk {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

    fn test_new_chunk() {
        let chunk_type = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();
        let data = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes().to_vec();
        let chunk = Chunk::new(chunk_type, data);
        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_chunk_length() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);

    fn test_chunk_type() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), String::from("RuSt"));

    fn test_chunk_string() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        let chunk_string = chunk.data_as_string().unwrap();
        let expected_chunk_string = String::from("This is where your secret message will be!");
        assert_eq!(chunk_string, expected_chunk_string);

    fn test_chunk_crc() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_valid_chunk_from_bytes() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

        let chunk = Chunk::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref()).unwrap();

        let chunk_string = chunk.data_as_string().unwrap();
        let expected_chunk_string = String::from("This is where your secret message will be!");

        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);
        assert_eq!(chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), String::from("RuSt"));
        assert_eq!(chunk_string, expected_chunk_string);
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_invalid_chunk_from_bytes() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656333;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

        let chunk = Chunk::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref());


    pub fn test_chunk_trait_impls() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length
        let chunk: Chunk = TryFrom::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref()).unwrap();
        let _chunk_string = format!("{}", chunk);
