
"I just finished reading The Book. What should I do next?"

This question comes up weekly in online Rust discussions. The answers to this question are always "Make something!", sometimes followed by a list a cool projects. This is a great answer for some people, but others might be looking for a little more direction.

This guide is intended to fill the gap between heavily directed beginner tutorials and working on your own projects. The primary goal here is to get you writing code. The secondary goal is to get you reading documentation.

If you haven't read The Rust Programming Language yet, I highly encourage you to do so before attempting this project. This guide does not cover any language features.

What are we making?

We're making a command line program that lets you hide secret messages in PNG files. Your program will have four commands:

  1. Encode a message into a PNG file
  2. Decode a message stored in a PNG file
  3. Remove a message from a PNG file
  4. Print a list of PNG chunks that can be searched for messages

If that sounds scary and beyond your ability then this guide is definitely for you. If you know how to write code and you know your Rust basics, you can totally do this. We're not going to implement any sort of image decoding. The part of the PNG spec we're tackling is surprisingly simple.

How this works

Unlike many of the other tutorials you may have worked through, I will not be providing any completed code. If you need extra help, there are hints for each chapter along with code stubs that can you get started. The first three chapters come with comprehensive unit tests that will ensure your code has the features it needs. You'll use your unit tested code to complete the remaining chapters.

This is supposed to be your project, not mine. You can use as much or as little of this material as you want. You know your learning style better than I do, so do what works best for you. You don't need to follow my suggestions or click my links or use my unit tests if you don't want to, but you can always come back to them if you get stuck.

I'll give you links to documentation for everything I used in my own implementation of this project, but it's up to you to figure out how to use what you've read. While you're reading those docs, dig around a little bit and see what else is available. Rust's standard library types provide a ton of useful functionality and you might like something else more than what I linked.

If you want a more regimented plan, here it is.

For each chapter:

  1. Read the intro
  2. Read the requirements
  3. Copy the unit tests into your project
  4. Read the relevant section of the PNG spec
  5. Write your code and try to pass the tests
  6. If you get stuck, check out the provided list of resources
  7. If you're still stuck, check out the hint page for that chapter
  8. If you can't figure it out, ask the internet. The Rust community is very helpful.

Each chapter is already laid out in this order so it should be easy to follow.


Create a new binary project using cargo new --bin pngme. My implementation is called pngme because I think I'm clever. Feel free to name yours whatever you want.

Copy the following code into your file.

mod args;
mod chunk;
mod chunk_type;
mod commands;
mod png;

pub type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

fn main() -> Result<()> {

Your project will need to match this module structure in order to for the unit tests to pass. The easiest way to set this up is to make a separate file for each module. For example, create a file called in your src folder. The code in this file will be your chunk module. See the module chapters in the book for more info.

I've provided Error and Result type aliases that will make it easy to use the ? operator in your code. My own implementation uses the anyhow crate for error handling. It's got some nice macros like bail! that make it easy to return errors in the middle of a function. If you're reading this in the future, we've all probably moved on from anyhow to some other fancy error handling crate. You do you.

Chapter 1: Chunk Types

Okay here we go!

The next three chapters will have you implement a basic PNG file. PNG files are essentially just a list of "chunks", each containing their own data. Each chunk has a type that can be represented as a 4 character string. There are standard chunk types for things like image data, but there's no rule that would prevent you from inserting your own chunks with whatever data you want. We can even tell PNG decoders to ignore our chunks depending on how we capitalize our chunk types.

In this chapter, we'll be implementing chunk types. These are pretty easy since they're essentially just 4 alphabetic characters. Your chunk types should always be valid chunks. It should not be possible to construct an invalid chunk type using your public interface. The PNG file structure spec will tell what a valid chunk type looks like.

A little bit about bytes

I keep saying that chunk types are strings, but you'll want to think about them in terms of bytes. If you've never worked directly with bytes before, it's not that scary. If you have worked directly with bytes before, you can skip to the Assignment section below.

A bit is a 0 or a 1. A byte is 8 bits. In decimal notation, a byte is a number in the range 0 to 255. You've probably heard that computers only understand 1's and 0's. While that's kinda true, they generally communicate using bytes. In Rust, bytes are represented by the type u8.

Bytes are fun because their meaning is usually open to interpretation. We've already seen that individual bytes can be interpreted as 8 individual bits or as a number from 0 to 255. They can also be interpreted in groups. A 32-bit integer is 4 bytes. Rust even gives you a function to make a u32 from 4 bytes using u32::from_be_bytes([1, 2, 3, 4]). A Rust String is just a Vec<u8> whose bytes have been validated as UTF-8. Guess what the "8" in UTF-8 stands for.

Now let's make some chunks.


Using the PNG file structure spec, implement chunk types. Don't worry about implementing any specific chunk types. You only need to store a valid PNG chunk type. You don't have to implement the full chunk object either. We'll do that in the next chapter. This is just the 4 byte chunk type described in section 3.3 of the link above.

You need to provide methods that return the chunk type in bytes, check the validity of the entire chunk type, and check the special meaning of capitalization for each of the four bytes. Method signatures are provided below.

You will also need to implement a few standard library traits.


  1. Copy the unit tests below and paste them at the bottom of your file.
  2. Write a ChunkType struct with your implementation of PNG chunk types.
  3. Implement TryFrom<[u8; 4]> for your ChunkType.
  4. Implement FromStr for your ChunkType.
  5. Implement Display for your ChunkType.
  6. Implement or derive PartialEq and Eq for your ChunkType
  7. Required methods:
    1. fn bytes(&self) -> [u8; 4]
    2. fn is_valid(&self) -> bool
    3. fn is_critical(&self) -> bool
    4. fn is_public(&self) -> bool
    5. fn is_reserved_bit_valid(&self) -> bool
    6. fn is_safe_to_copy(&self) -> bool
  8. Pass all of the unit tests.

Unit Tests

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::convert::TryFrom;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    pub fn test_chunk_type_from_bytes() {
        let expected = [82, 117, 83, 116];
        let actual = ChunkType::try_from([82, 117, 83, 116]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(expected, actual.bytes());

    pub fn test_chunk_type_from_str() {
        let expected = ChunkType::try_from([82, 117, 83, 116]).unwrap();
        let actual = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(expected, actual);

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_critical() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_not_critical() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("ruSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_public() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RUSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_not_public() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_reserved_bit_valid() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_reserved_bit_invalid() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("Rust").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_safe_to_copy() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_chunk_type_is_unsafe_to_copy() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuST").unwrap();

    pub fn test_valid_chunk_is_valid() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();

    pub fn test_invalid_chunk_is_valid() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("Rust").unwrap();

        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("Ru1t");

    pub fn test_chunk_type_string() {
        let chunk = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&chunk.to_string(), "RuSt");

    pub fn test_chunk_type_trait_impls() {
        let chunk_type_1: ChunkType = TryFrom::try_from([82, 117, 83, 116]).unwrap();
        let chunk_type_2: ChunkType = FromStr::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();
        let _chunk_string = format!("{}", chunk_type_1);
        let _are_chunks_equal = chunk_type_1 == chunk_type_2;


Chapter 2: Chunks

Now that we've got our ChunkType struct, we can implement the rest of our chunks. You'll be using the PNG file structure spec again. Section 3.2 has all of the information you need.

The toughest part of this assignment will be creating a chunk from a sequence of bytes using the TryFrom trait. Implementing the as_bytes() method may also be tricky depending on how much experience you have working with iterators. Check the hints for this chapter if you get stuck.

Calculating the CRC

Check out crc::Crc::checksum in the crc crate. If you really want to implement this yourself, have at it. Your CRC needs to match the CRC that I get from the crc crate.

Don't forget to include the chunk type in your CRC calculation.


Using the PNG file structure spec, implement PNG chunks. Your chunks should contain the four pieces of data laid out in section 3.2 of this link.

You need to provide methods that return each of the four pieces of data, the chunk data interpreted as a string if it is valid UTF-8 (or an error otherwise), and the entire chunk as a sequence of bytes in the order required by the PNG spec. Method signatures are provided below.


  1. Copy the unit tests below and paste them at the bottom of your file.
  2. Write a Chunk struct with your implementation of PNG chunks.
  3. Implement TryFrom<&[u8]> for your Chunk.
  4. Implement Display for your Chunk.
  5. Required methods:
    1. fn new(chunk_type: ChunkType, data: Vec<u8>) -> Chunk
    2. fn length(&self) -> u32
    3. fn chunk_type(&self) -> &ChunkType
    4. fn data(&self) -> &[u8]
    5. fn crc(&self) -> u32
    6. fn data_as_string(&self) -> Result<String>
    7. fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>
  6. Pass all of the unit tests.

Unit Tests

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::chunk_type::ChunkType;
    use std::str::FromStr;

    fn testing_chunk() -> Chunk {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

    fn test_new_chunk() {
        let chunk_type = ChunkType::from_str("RuSt").unwrap();
        let data = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes().to_vec();
        let chunk = Chunk::new(chunk_type, data);
        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_chunk_length() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);

    fn test_chunk_type() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), String::from("RuSt"));

    fn test_chunk_string() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        let chunk_string = chunk.data_as_string().unwrap();
        let expected_chunk_string = String::from("This is where your secret message will be!");
        assert_eq!(chunk_string, expected_chunk_string);

    fn test_chunk_crc() {
        let chunk = testing_chunk();
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_valid_chunk_from_bytes() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

        let chunk = Chunk::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref()).unwrap();

        let chunk_string = chunk.data_as_string().unwrap();
        let expected_chunk_string = String::from("This is where your secret message will be!");

        assert_eq!(chunk.length(), 42);
        assert_eq!(chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), String::from("RuSt"));
        assert_eq!(chunk_string, expected_chunk_string);
        assert_eq!(chunk.crc(), 2882656334);

    fn test_invalid_chunk_from_bytes() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656333;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length

        let chunk = Chunk::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref());


    pub fn test_chunk_trait_impls() {
        let data_length: u32 = 42;
        let chunk_type = "RuSt".as_bytes();
        let message_bytes = "This is where your secret message will be!".as_bytes();
        let crc: u32 = 2882656334;

        let chunk_data: Vec<u8> = data_length
        let chunk: Chunk = TryFrom::try_from(chunk_data.as_ref()).unwrap();
        let _chunk_string = format!("{}", chunk);


Chapter 3: PNG Files

You're finally ready to implement a full PNG file. It's very complicated.

First you need a header containing 8 bytes that are always the same. Then you need a list of chunks.

Ok maybe it's not that complicated.

As usual, you can refer to the PNG file structure spec to make sure you're doing it right. If you're tired of reading that page, this is the last time you'll have to do it.

When you're done with this chapter, you'll have a nice little library that does everything you need to implement your command line program. This is also the last chapter with unit tests. It's all downhill from here!


Using the PNG file structure spec, implement PNG files.

You need to provide a constructor that takes a list of chunks, methods to append and remove chunks, and methods that return the header, a slice of all chunks, and the entire PNG file as a Vec<u8> of bytes.


  1. Copy the unit tests below and paste them at the bottom of your file.
  2. Write a Png struct with your implementation of PNG files.
  3. In your impl block, add a public constant called STANDARD_HEADER that has the 8 standard header bytes.
  4. Implement TryFrom<&[u8]> for your Png.
  5. Implement Display for your Png.
  6. Required methods:
    1. fn from_chunks(chunks: Vec<Chunk>) -> Png
    2. fn append_chunk(&mut self, chunk: Chunk)
    3. fn remove_chunk(&mut self, chunk_type: &str) -> Result<Chunk>
    4. fn header(&self) -> &[u8; 8]
    5. fn chunks(&self) -> &[Chunk]
    6. fn chunk_by_type(&self, chunk_type: &str) -> Option<&Chunk>
    7. fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>
  7. Pass all of the unit tests.

Unit Tests

fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::chunk_type::ChunkType;
    use crate::chunk::Chunk;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    use std::convert::TryFrom;

    fn testing_chunks() -> Vec<Chunk> {
            chunk_from_strings("FrSt", "I am the first chunk").unwrap(),
            chunk_from_strings("miDl", "I am another chunk").unwrap(),
            chunk_from_strings("LASt", "I am the last chunk").unwrap(),

    fn testing_png() -> Png {
        let chunks = testing_chunks();

    fn chunk_from_strings(chunk_type: &str, data: &str) -> Result<Chunk> {
        use std::str::FromStr;

        let chunk_type = ChunkType::from_str(chunk_type)?;
        let data: Vec<u8> = data.bytes().collect();

        Ok(Chunk::new(chunk_type, data))

    fn test_from_chunks() {
        let chunks = testing_chunks();
        let png = Png::from_chunks(chunks);

        assert_eq!(png.chunks().len(), 3);

    fn test_valid_from_bytes() {
        let chunk_bytes: Vec<u8> = testing_chunks()
            .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.as_bytes())

        let bytes: Vec<u8> = Png::STANDARD_HEADER

        let png = Png::try_from(bytes.as_ref());


    fn test_invalid_header() {
        let chunk_bytes: Vec<u8> = testing_chunks()
            .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.as_bytes())

        let bytes: Vec<u8> = [13, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]

        let png = Png::try_from(bytes.as_ref());


    fn test_invalid_chunk() {
        let mut chunk_bytes: Vec<u8> = testing_chunks()
            .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.as_bytes())

        let mut bad_chunk = vec![
            0, 0, 0, 5,         // length
            32, 117, 83, 116,   // Chunk Type (bad)
            65, 64, 65, 66, 67, // Data
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5       // CRC (bad)

        chunk_bytes.append(&mut bad_chunk);

        let png = Png::try_from(chunk_bytes.as_ref());


    fn test_list_chunks() {
        let png = testing_png();
        let chunks = png.chunks();
        assert_eq!(chunks.len(), 3);

    fn test_chunk_by_type() {
        let png = testing_png();
        let chunk = png.chunk_by_type("FrSt").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), "FrSt");
        assert_eq!(&chunk.data_as_string().unwrap(), "I am the first chunk");


    fn test_append_chunk() {
        let mut png = testing_png();
        png.append_chunk(chunk_from_strings("TeSt", "Message").unwrap());
        let chunk = png.chunk_by_type("TeSt").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&chunk.chunk_type().to_string(), "TeSt");
        assert_eq!(&chunk.data_as_string().unwrap(), "Message");

    fn test_remove_chunk() {
        let mut png = testing_png();
        png.append_chunk(chunk_from_strings("TeSt", "Message").unwrap());
        let chunk = png.chunk_by_type("TeSt");

    fn test_png_from_image_file() {
        let png = Png::try_from(&PNG_FILE[..]);

    fn test_as_bytes() {
        let png = Png::try_from(&PNG_FILE[..]).unwrap();
        let actual = png.as_bytes();
        let expected: Vec<u8> = PNG_FILE.to_vec();
        assert_eq!(actual, expected);

    fn test_png_trait_impls() {
        let chunk_bytes: Vec<u8> = testing_chunks()
            .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.as_bytes())

        let bytes: Vec<u8> = Png::STANDARD_HEADER

        let png: Png = TryFrom::try_from(bytes.as_ref()).unwrap();

        let _png_string = format!("{}", png);

    // This is the raw bytes for a shrunken version of the `dice.png` image on Wikipedia
    const PNG_FILE: [u8; 4803] = [
        137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 50, 8,
        6, 0, 0, 0, 30, 63, 136, 177, 0, 0, 0, 1, 115, 82, 71, 66, 0, 174, 206, 28, 233, 0, 0, 0,
        4, 103, 65, 77, 65, 0, 0, 177, 143, 11, 252, 97, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 112, 72, 89, 115, 0, 0, 14,
        194, 0, 0, 14, 194, 1, 21, 40, 74, 128, 0, 0, 18, 73, 73, 68, 65, 84, 104, 67, 237, 153,
        121, 112, 28, 213, 157, 199, 95, 223, 215, 76, 207, 61, 26, 29, 163, 251, 180, 101, 27,
        217, 194, 14, 24, 18, 192, 78, 124, 4, 19, 108, 47, 46, 28, 2, 235, 64, 128, 164, 216, 10,
        144, 132, 10, 187, 97, 23, 66, 150, 224, 101, 33, 241, 134, 56, 164, 8, 149, 133, 80, 132,
        212, 134, 36, 101, 112, 184, 109, 108, 3, 190, 176, 177, 124, 201, 146, 172, 123, 164, 153,
        209, 104, 206, 158, 190, 207, 125, 35, 15, 174, 0, 78, 226, 107, 107, 255, 225, 83, 154,
        105, 169, 231, 245, 175, 223, 183, 127, 239, 119, 188, 17, 248, 140, 207, 248, 191, 1, 41,
        31, 207, 138, 95, 253, 202, 64, 28, 199, 193, 186, 186, 28, 36, 22, 67, 204, 53, 107, 72,
        167, 252, 209, 255, 59, 127, 87, 200, 252, 249, 25, 140, 36, 211, 141, 149, 149, 204, 21,
        126, 63, 223, 205, 113, 118, 101, 32, 96, 187, 250, 250, 204, 62, 219, 86, 79, 204, 154,
        229, 236, 227, 121, 170, 231, 222, 123, 171, 236, 242, 37, 23, 196, 236, 253, 179, 177, 97,
        97, 152, 253, 142, 239, 59, 124, 130, 73, 20, 155, 66, 77, 226, 15, 66, 63, 248, 187, 182,
        255, 170, 144, 133, 11, 139, 136, 219, 93, 104, 232, 234, 178, 239, 88, 186, 20, 95, 223,
        211, 35, 241, 83, 83, 110, 98, 122, 90, 22, 178, 89, 32, 48, 140, 68, 121, 60, 56, 151,
        201, 232, 169, 66, 193, 217, 124, 240, 32, 247, 235, 98, 177, 69, 43, 95, 126, 206, 224,
        219, 113, 242, 6, 249, 134, 197, 152, 138, 221, 128, 34, 232, 60, 138, 164, 124, 125, 118,
        223, 177, 154, 234, 154, 15, 163, 222, 232, 214, 42, 79, 85, 223, 61, 161, 123, 204, 242,
        240, 79, 113, 70, 33, 87, 95, 157, 32, 114, 57, 97, 89, 103, 167, 252, 111, 179, 102, 113,
        205, 24, 70, 40, 111, 188, 17, 183, 17, 4, 101, 56, 206, 139, 88, 22, 158, 33, 8, 17, 165,
        105, 18, 27, 30, 182, 210, 46, 23, 194, 20, 139, 214, 179, 137, 132, 231, 191, 38, 38, 26,
        140, 178, 153, 179, 98, 233, 177, 165, 96, 215, 248, 174, 106, 79, 214, 115, 243, 114, 124,
        249, 183, 166, 205, 105, 29, 135, 180, 122, 90, 107, 194, 174, 176, 132, 122, 80, 185, 183,
        216, 59, 21, 166, 195, 127, 226, 66, 220, 230, 7, 107, 31, 204, 148, 47, 253, 24, 88, 249,
        120, 154, 245, 235, 227, 30, 65, 16, 190, 169, 105, 234, 109, 166, 233, 240, 3, 3, 154, 60,
        50, 34, 186, 38, 38, 178, 240, 40, 244, 231, 114, 138, 104, 24, 42, 238, 114, 49, 142, 36,
        97, 208, 3, 168, 77, 146, 24, 176, 44, 164, 197, 231, 179, 147, 0, 60, 218, 95, 40, 60, 90,
        182, 246, 183, 193, 63, 192, 81, 103, 220, 89, 184, 88, 94, 188, 9, 232, 96, 225, 170, 186,
        85, 254, 110, 119, 55, 63, 150, 31, 3, 83, 106, 82, 200, 129, 124, 225, 150, 198, 91, 170,
        71, 147, 163, 129, 162, 93, 92, 16, 147, 70, 67, 95, 186, 247, 11, 7, 247, 252, 226, 128,
        84, 54, 113, 26, 180, 124, 156, 97, 221, 186, 137, 202, 88, 172, 240, 160, 32, 104, 55,
        240, 60, 234, 13, 6, 17, 111, 91, 27, 168, 96, 89, 196, 193, 48, 102, 202, 239, 199, 41,
        154, 54, 213, 234, 106, 194, 148, 36, 85, 86, 20, 197, 90, 177, 130, 10, 111, 218, 20, 108,
        111, 106, 34, 188, 8, 226, 220, 118, 233, 165, 133, 202, 178, 185, 191, 9, 249, 62, 73, 16,
        99, 196, 114, 46, 199, 253, 136, 113, 152, 121, 56, 134, 219, 203, 91, 151, 251, 90, 131,
        173, 204, 135, 242, 193, 209, 183, 210, 111, 247, 158, 72, 157, 16, 239, 223, 121, 255,
        228, 174, 248, 174, 244, 120, 113, 220, 144, 29, 109, 137, 37, 17, 255, 186, 117, 116, 171,
        167, 108, 230, 52, 167, 61, 114, 215, 93, 147, 1, 77, 19, 126, 154, 201, 152, 11, 108, 27,
        1, 245, 245, 118, 133, 166, 233, 70, 99, 35, 111, 173, 92, 201, 176, 138, 146, 113, 119,
        117, 5, 107, 91, 224, 115, 207, 102, 109, 69, 85, 29, 195, 182, 109, 103, 245, 234, 112,
        120, 209, 162, 144, 107, 104, 40, 79, 136, 34, 234, 5, 192, 18, 106, 107, 31, 218, 63, 56,
        248, 88, 217, 242, 167, 121, 226, 196, 19, 88, 229, 116, 229, 173, 205, 106, 243, 35, 189,
        74, 175, 116, 68, 59, 50, 129, 88, 208, 181, 162, 197, 110, 137, 189, 60, 190, 39, 183, 39,
        105, 58, 166, 217, 68, 54, 249, 18, 118, 34, 155, 52, 146, 169, 38, 186, 137, 169, 97, 107,
        60, 134, 104, 206, 41, 18, 197, 248, 45, 27, 111, 233, 217, 178, 113, 75, 217, 226, 95,
        120, 36, 16, 156, 254, 6, 207, 203, 43, 1, 112, 128, 3, 127, 250, 251, 145, 201, 84, 10,
        164, 187, 186, 48, 230, 248, 241, 156, 134, 97, 1, 184, 246, 253, 83, 71, 143, 106, 147,
        197, 162, 173, 148, 198, 192, 203, 236, 23, 95, 156, 74, 253, 252, 231, 137, 137, 201, 73,
        21, 116, 116, 144, 117, 12, 163, 173, 103, 24, 33, 116, 202, 234, 153, 145, 37, 249, 82,
        66, 35, 30, 32, 0, 193, 123, 113, 47, 179, 130, 88, 209, 101, 91, 14, 249, 31, 67, 143,
        245, 252, 41, 241, 167, 49, 152, 226, 103, 178, 84, 5, 30, 246, 47, 171, 88, 214, 54, 219,
        53, 187, 50, 202, 69, 137, 13, 13, 27, 60, 130, 89, 52, 70, 114, 35, 95, 59, 54, 117, 172,
        102, 198, 88, 153, 25, 143, 60, 188, 113, 130, 220, 181, 99, 228, 251, 147, 19, 182, 203,
        231, 179, 88, 77, 51, 16, 28, 215, 185, 138, 10, 221, 115, 252, 184, 204, 13, 12, 152, 124,
        91, 91, 88, 234, 235, 43, 10, 146, 100, 153, 80, 196, 105, 178, 89, 221, 60, 118, 76, 87,
        37, 137, 144, 88, 214, 164, 198, 198, 12, 85, 85, 237, 241, 145, 145, 95, 28, 47, 15, 249,
        24, 179, 142, 205, 66, 134, 226, 67, 255, 176, 44, 188, 108, 201, 170, 200, 42, 223, 72,
        124, 196, 55, 169, 78, 40, 115, 61, 243, 176, 16, 8, 97, 35, 218, 72, 177, 60, 20, 100,
        141, 76, 113, 65, 100, 1, 231, 35, 125, 252, 246, 233, 237, 147, 136, 131, 16, 41, 109, 74,
        62, 152, 59, 168, 166, 244, 84, 182, 227, 225, 142, 35, 195, 155, 134, 103, 198, 206, 120,
        132, 197, 113, 250, 115, 139, 162, 161, 75, 46, 9, 90, 93, 93, 94, 230, 202, 43, 189, 158,
        75, 46, 97, 104, 93, 71, 249, 247, 223, 23, 92, 146, 100, 218, 153, 140, 162, 228, 243, 58,
        20, 113, 202, 99, 37, 49, 56, 14, 208, 150, 22, 156, 102, 89, 133, 133, 158, 196, 62, 248,
        192, 56, 89, 40, 96, 138, 105, 162, 95, 250, 198, 55, 82, 212, 204, 29, 62, 1, 237, 208,
        148, 102, 104, 45, 181, 238, 90, 130, 161, 24, 100, 84, 25, 29, 242, 123, 2, 169, 31, 95,
        253, 227, 134, 111, 54, 127, 179, 141, 4, 36, 122, 185, 239, 242, 192, 179, 93, 207, 94,
        222, 66, 183, 114, 56, 77, 104, 221, 77, 221, 64, 210, 37, 117, 75, 124, 75, 220, 141, 185,
        253, 77, 92, 83, 0, 215, 240, 107, 169, 28, 85, 81, 54, 123, 74, 72, 119, 55, 237, 84, 87,
        147, 228, 146, 37, 84, 21, 77, 227, 106, 125, 61, 137, 85, 85, 185, 157, 171, 174, 138, 20,
        87, 172, 8, 76, 235, 186, 101, 196, 98, 34, 92, 78, 167, 124, 81, 122, 143, 70, 201, 224,
        205, 55, 7, 219, 159, 120, 162, 181, 125, 225, 66, 134, 96, 89, 45, 140, 162, 122, 21, 142,
        155, 181, 209, 40, 118, 249, 229, 151, 131, 51, 6, 189, 199, 246, 32, 173, 104, 107, 213,
        51, 71, 127, 133, 110, 60, 254, 168, 166, 80, 114, 41, 221, 98, 9, 33, 161, 31, 200, 30,
        72, 233, 166, 110, 109, 104, 219, 80, 183, 124, 246, 114, 255, 92, 207, 92, 31, 131, 49,
        152, 155, 113, 179, 87, 133, 174, 234, 40, 168, 5, 13, 198, 212, 248, 101, 254, 203, 248,
        251, 219, 238, 191, 154, 23, 249, 165, 101, 179, 167, 132, 56, 14, 33, 230, 114, 224, 173,
        98, 81, 48, 231, 207, 87, 67, 161, 144, 200, 45, 92, 168, 133, 154, 154, 21, 239, 250, 245,
        46, 238, 139, 95, 12, 73, 193, 32, 30, 44, 9, 40, 121, 3, 94, 130, 132, 195, 152, 63, 16,
        32, 89, 158, 119, 3, 4, 193, 205, 169, 41, 113, 2, 86, 252, 10, 152, 178, 9, 89, 118, 201,
        125, 125, 31, 207, 136, 31, 209, 70, 183, 233, 181, 116, 237, 20, 137, 81, 102, 17, 17,
        180, 90, 190, 174, 106, 76, 25, 147, 87, 190, 186, 242, 221, 199, 7, 31, 239, 45, 153, 127,
        101, 228, 149, 196, 75, 189, 47, 197, 119, 102, 119, 78, 201, 178, 140, 13, 77, 13, 17,
        240, 188, 63, 140, 134, 91, 10, 122, 193, 126, 35, 253, 70, 2, 122, 21, 33, 77, 242, 154,
        89, 189, 179, 102, 60, 63, 19, 35, 207, 61, 247, 99, 176, 118, 237, 247, 196, 190, 62, 227,
        202, 124, 30, 115, 226, 113, 90, 178, 109, 29, 141, 197, 76, 224, 114, 153, 152, 101, 249,
        68, 130, 64, 184, 120, 92, 23, 76, 19, 192, 100, 101, 57, 178, 44, 106, 195, 195, 138, 180,
        99, 71, 62, 181, 111, 95, 49, 79, 16, 56, 21, 141, 210, 65, 89, 230, 166, 124, 62, 178,
        208, 217, 137, 191, 240, 234, 171, 143, 137, 37, 251, 127, 201, 129, 159, 31, 112, 208, 91,
        208, 236, 120, 110, 188, 19, 78, 78, 171, 34, 170, 194, 162, 38, 138, 49, 37, 86, 48, 17,
        211, 65, 80, 4, 25, 144, 6, 196, 215, 18, 175, 37, 60, 136, 135, 242, 96, 158, 144, 37, 91,
        212, 137, 68, 239, 73, 65, 42, 228, 97, 125, 35, 34, 120, 36, 244, 86, 250, 173, 84, 76,
        143, 9, 13, 190, 134, 215, 7, 158, 26, 80, 79, 63, 181, 198, 70, 247, 135, 110, 55, 183,
        47, 159, 39, 52, 195, 192, 236, 201, 184, 91, 178, 29, 132, 237, 239, 231, 243, 166, 137,
        219, 30, 143, 75, 10, 4, 48, 174, 180, 186, 74, 66, 146, 73, 61, 55, 48, 160, 79, 29, 57,
        162, 64, 111, 81, 21, 62, 31, 211, 112, 224, 128, 0, 45, 57, 136, 207, 231, 156, 240, 251,
        209, 233, 196, 162, 69, 204, 208, 220, 185, 243, 7, 111, 188, 241, 142, 125, 115, 230, 60,
        56, 186, 120, 241, 166, 158, 175, 126, 245, 215, 191, 124, 54, 188, 250, 250, 163, 150,
        136, 37, 198, 243, 58, 208, 38, 31, 91, 240, 88, 199, 134, 138, 13, 45, 51, 19, 41, 247,
        26, 176, 182, 16, 152, 134, 225, 74, 70, 70, 119, 158, 220, 121, 98, 215, 244, 187, 67,
        131, 250, 80, 50, 138, 214, 18, 180, 66, 219, 240, 60, 112, 4, 7, 232, 150, 62, 211, 22,
        157, 22, 178, 98, 133, 79, 139, 70, 185, 231, 224, 122, 85, 112, 28, 65, 49, 20, 5, 193,
        128, 27, 5, 136, 201, 194, 95, 1, 73, 226, 118, 125, 61, 55, 227, 70, 184, 148, 16, 151,
        139, 38, 151, 45, 243, 84, 52, 53, 241, 145, 198, 70, 46, 136, 162, 238, 100, 83, 19, 151,
        89, 48, 91, 97, 174, 236, 221, 124, 162, 237, 95, 230, 63, 82, 48, 140, 63, 7, 127, 246,
        179, 237, 174, 123, 239, 221, 236, 106, 107, 187, 193, 242, 251, 215, 194, 181, 184, 150,
        116, 216, 245, 183, 29, 140, 214, 60, 243, 155, 8, 251, 237, 183, 24, 180, 133, 173, 4, 94,
        198, 75, 148, 108, 99, 0, 67, 230, 146, 115, 35, 215, 179, 95, 89, 232, 118, 220, 236, 31,
        166, 255, 248, 193, 33, 227, 80, 220, 102, 109, 228, 10, 247, 226, 150, 102, 190, 169, 122,
        64, 29, 136, 31, 87, 122, 135, 3, 172, 255, 85, 193, 45, 40, 51, 115, 42, 189, 125, 196,
        59, 239, 8, 196, 193, 131, 194, 227, 4, 97, 111, 48, 12, 32, 153, 150, 198, 1, 135, 70, 41,
        10, 203, 160, 168, 83, 106, 67, 192, 107, 175, 141, 103, 68, 209, 177, 174, 189, 214, 91,
        113, 247, 221, 117, 209, 151, 94, 18, 114, 219, 183, 43, 146, 63, 27, 47, 94, 129, 188,
        131, 205, 51, 123, 76, 76, 203, 26, 66, 60, 46, 185, 59, 59, 67, 26, 207, 51, 234, 225,
        195, 150, 146, 201, 20, 36, 93, 71, 58, 159, 124, 178, 5, 239, 232, 160, 83, 47, 190, 56,
        170, 109, 219, 38, 90, 233, 180, 40, 96, 182, 246, 208, 237, 128, 58, 142, 102, 138, 152,
        137, 33, 141, 68, 99, 144, 7, 110, 238, 164, 62, 152, 172, 164, 43, 185, 90, 62, 202, 142,
        43, 49, 51, 99, 166, 69, 5, 168, 70, 220, 152, 44, 216, 156, 115, 4, 107, 196, 158, 176,
        150, 90, 185, 210, 220, 63, 214, 107, 61, 247, 220, 163, 246, 157, 119, 62, 56, 172, 170,
        214, 210, 174, 46, 169, 209, 182, 89, 171, 169, 201, 34, 109, 27, 55, 3, 1, 189, 228, 13,
        12, 118, 37, 142, 32, 96, 72, 52, 26, 96, 230, 207, 119, 113, 233, 93, 187, 148, 249, 67,
        207, 103, 175, 95, 148, 229, 42, 208, 56, 110, 226, 14, 7, 221, 197, 186, 87, 173, 170,
        246, 223, 116, 147, 207, 80, 20, 144, 233, 233, 81, 115, 177, 216, 168, 86, 200, 231, 82,
        91, 255, 60, 37, 31, 63, 78, 163, 165, 204, 82, 81, 17, 69, 57, 46, 196, 202, 154, 26, 237,
        47, 72, 137, 203, 58, 42, 84, 83, 3, 9, 37, 145, 181, 41, 219, 232, 244, 117, 70, 191, 59,
        247, 187, 205, 181, 108, 173, 111, 66, 140, 57, 7, 181, 15, 199, 178, 78, 86, 118, 56, 112,
        8, 68, 193, 211, 206, 50, 39, 117, 106, 230, 103, 232, 126, 71, 70, 28, 176, 119, 175, 184,
        82, 81, 82, 155, 220, 110, 7, 182, 41, 150, 19, 10, 217, 156, 162, 216, 142, 199, 131, 57,
        7, 14, 184, 166, 222, 124, 51, 158, 231, 216, 48, 254, 45, 250, 5, 208, 97, 28, 180, 189,
        119, 220, 81, 169, 140, 140, 168, 169, 67, 135, 80, 28, 118, 149, 40, 92, 119, 48, 242,
        129, 146, 136, 235, 83, 3, 125, 100, 198, 40, 80, 168, 155, 38, 93, 40, 153, 246, 113, 145,
        162, 37, 74, 150, 36, 203, 22, 86, 93, 221, 66, 187, 92, 6, 217, 223, 63, 86, 116, 185,
        220, 255, 61, 123, 56, 111, 93, 122, 105, 123, 66, 77, 100, 100, 216, 5, 57, 186, 19, 244,
        177, 190, 196, 152, 52, 38, 103, 204, 140, 2, 219, 149, 105, 224, 1, 111, 130, 106, 240,
        71, 176, 4, 100, 203, 83, 158, 225, 140, 109, 252, 209, 163, 6, 218, 223, 47, 173, 74, 36,
        236, 239, 195, 70, 176, 209, 229, 178, 105, 69, 193, 149, 96, 80, 128, 85, 159, 115, 158,
        121, 166, 247, 100, 211, 228, 54, 254, 22, 240, 91, 87, 77, 125, 125, 1, 46, 110, 67, 76,
        165, 100, 181, 80, 80, 249, 89, 237, 97, 250, 158, 187, 90, 167, 38, 134, 241, 212, 182,
        157, 90, 5, 23, 84, 113, 158, 23, 148, 209, 209, 156, 157, 207, 91, 208, 252, 76, 57, 178,
        44, 203, 193, 88, 214, 75, 93, 119, 93, 21, 182, 99, 199, 176, 232, 247, 71, 199, 228, 254,
        201, 231, 175, 39, 8, 169, 88, 116, 137, 166, 104, 176, 4, 103, 87, 195, 14, 139, 211, 57,
        124, 212, 28, 125, 239, 29, 250, 157, 159, 128, 26, 176, 27, 92, 6, 123, 229, 79, 112, 70,
        33, 37, 38, 39, 29, 112, 242, 164, 94, 151, 203, 233, 107, 17, 196, 252, 146, 162, 80, 17,
        69, 49, 208, 92, 174, 128, 236, 222, 61, 17, 91, 51, 182, 209, 95, 137, 38, 81, 234, 11,
        95, 152, 175, 239, 216, 17, 71, 114, 57, 219, 211, 209, 206, 140, 30, 222, 231, 35, 121,
        207, 9, 174, 162, 198, 9, 119, 206, 99, 1, 172, 166, 217, 147, 39, 149, 210, 26, 46, 41,
        112, 16, 4, 129, 217, 2, 232, 208, 213, 85, 183, 222, 90, 23, 186, 238, 186, 80, 241, 216,
        49, 49, 253, 200, 35, 99, 150, 105, 88, 155, 190, 138, 40, 158, 96, 107, 235, 81, 249, 104,
        82, 176, 133, 124, 3, 219, 160, 232, 168, 254, 186, 43, 236, 250, 195, 239, 189, 191, 31,
        1, 29, 51, 117, 236, 83, 252, 85, 33, 127, 73, 44, 166, 226, 197, 34, 230, 73, 165, 116,
        118, 207, 30, 65, 175, 30, 216, 106, 71, 14, 63, 245, 71, 28, 238, 184, 136, 186, 186, 32,
        16, 69, 197, 128, 79, 152, 20, 197, 230, 220, 225, 195, 73, 34, 18, 25, 131, 129, 238, 227,
        124, 62, 66, 153, 156, 212, 74, 117, 116, 166, 29, 128, 197, 40, 242, 208, 67, 237, 54,
        203, 18, 177, 7, 30, 56, 214, 118, 251, 237, 85, 145, 47, 127, 57, 156, 221, 177, 35, 59,
        254, 192, 3, 195, 165, 49, 133, 182, 138, 223, 30, 184, 115, 241, 208, 239, 10, 191, 83,
        116, 68, 47, 176, 62, 118, 124, 159, 119, 95, 10, 180, 130, 191, 185, 221, 61, 43, 33, 159,
        164, 103, 205, 26, 119, 58, 22, 123, 29, 166, 104, 152, 45, 49, 184, 113, 68, 17, 19, 69,
        81, 21, 69, 73, 251, 208, 161, 2, 225, 243, 25, 92, 107, 171, 7, 135, 207, 31, 175, 169,
        161, 201, 207, 127, 62, 168, 188, 253, 118, 138, 241, 249, 176, 89, 63, 249, 73, 187, 9,
        171, 234, 209, 251, 238, 59, 225, 140, 143, 155, 149, 87, 92, 225, 206, 111, 219, 150, 179,
        224, 22, 179, 228, 50, 184, 228, 222, 186, 244, 131, 15, 126, 80, 190, 213, 89, 115, 198,
        54, 226, 239, 225, 11, 6, 97, 173, 193, 101, 56, 121, 80, 18, 81, 122, 97, 60, 143, 243,
        107, 214, 132, 176, 182, 54, 212, 82, 20, 19, 198, 139, 94, 138, 133, 218, 187, 239, 174,
        175, 95, 189, 58, 20, 90, 183, 174, 82, 30, 24, 80, 196, 158, 158, 188, 184, 123, 119, 218,
        56, 118, 76, 54, 114, 57, 45, 243, 230, 155, 226, 71, 34, 74, 227, 161, 223, 230, 140, 215,
        213, 157, 243, 3, 62, 47, 33, 117, 79, 63, 109, 194, 62, 127, 212, 129, 2, 240, 138, 10,
        30, 161, 105, 162, 116, 103, 189, 189, 189, 2, 95, 176, 32, 232, 192, 138, 138, 219, 54,
        128, 159, 121, 89, 184, 39, 246, 120, 60, 0, 73, 38, 101, 27, 246, 247, 189, 223, 251, 222,
        208, 192, 15, 127, 56, 10, 163, 189, 180, 220, 28, 19, 195, 78, 149, 0, 40, 194, 134, 127,
        67, 59, 225, 180, 215, 27, 158, 57, 119, 14, 156, 151, 144, 18, 168, 207, 215, 79, 194,
        229, 4, 120, 158, 67, 171, 171, 253, 40, 12, 106, 244, 248, 241, 52, 26, 10, 209, 48, 173,
        178, 37, 97, 38, 12, 232, 195, 207, 63, 15, 246, 111, 220, 40, 76, 190, 240, 66, 178, 52,
        241, 211, 79, 190, 140, 1, 253, 169, 116, 118, 182, 216, 110, 55, 13, 133, 0, 139, 166, 41,
        27, 65, 218, 78, 221, 229, 236, 57, 111, 33, 222, 197, 139, 79, 98, 46, 23, 101, 166, 211,
        130, 204, 48, 52, 213, 210, 226, 194, 182, 109, 75, 128, 222, 222, 60, 30, 137, 48, 182,
        105, 218, 102, 42, 149, 23, 223, 123, 239, 112, 126, 235, 214, 126, 56, 115, 184, 155, 181,
        49, 3, 216, 164, 1, 44, 194, 116, 108, 24, 66, 14, 162, 100, 179, 2, 74, 146, 46, 35, 16,
        240, 193, 212, 129, 27, 11, 22, 116, 56, 24, 86, 87, 190, 205, 89, 115, 222, 66, 248, 134,
        134, 221, 184, 203, 133, 160, 176, 29, 197, 85, 181, 32, 93, 123, 109, 19, 198, 113, 56,
        76, 173, 8, 60, 79, 58, 112, 99, 3, 39, 78, 26, 154, 200, 42, 184, 17, 77, 161, 74, 115,
        18, 85, 218, 83, 152, 210, 62, 137, 200, 29, 73, 120, 204, 32, 106, 141, 5, 35, 95, 155,
        152, 72, 83, 215, 92, 227, 37, 130, 65, 26, 182, 214, 184, 229, 241, 4, 202, 183, 57, 107,
        206, 91, 72, 221, 186, 117, 211, 182, 36, 237, 135, 171, 11, 33, 211, 105, 25, 8, 130, 233,
        192, 174, 18, 134, 62, 1, 60, 30, 94, 175, 143, 70, 5, 218, 110, 53, 57, 164, 217, 32, 156,
        8, 32, 17, 15, 20, 198, 184, 56, 63, 25, 12, 68, 73, 148, 162, 25, 7, 163, 176, 36, 198,
        215, 215, 125, 251, 219, 100, 195, 186, 117, 46, 242, 43, 95, 153, 5, 14, 28, 0, 48, 89,
        204, 52, 130, 231, 194, 121, 11, 41, 129, 209, 244, 78, 88, 27, 48, 204, 237, 198, 168, 87,
        94, 25, 66, 39, 39, 101, 130, 32, 200, 172, 92, 240, 209, 193, 48, 237, 225, 195, 148, 3,
        23, 60, 77, 226, 128, 192, 79, 197, 52, 67, 177, 0, 22, 76, 48, 255, 63, 159, 2, 237, 143,
        63, 25, 114, 224, 78, 217, 3, 27, 203, 82, 66, 112, 98, 49, 219, 171, 105, 195, 112, 82,
        123, 103, 6, 159, 3, 23, 36, 132, 175, 173, 125, 155, 173, 175, 247, 25, 55, 222, 216, 140,
        193, 218, 128, 195, 45, 57, 92, 239, 56, 229, 128, 124, 78, 17, 92, 150, 172, 20, 77, 203,
        4, 162, 172, 2, 203, 23, 6, 145, 53, 55, 129, 180, 37, 1, 39, 18, 114, 234, 102, 207, 6,
        245, 157, 179, 144, 182, 16, 109, 143, 61, 252, 48, 114, 244, 206, 59, 13, 233, 229, 151,
        199, 12, 138, 59, 238, 13, 133, 142, 150, 111, 113, 214, 124, 172, 251, 61, 87, 54, 239,
        221, 91, 188, 167, 165, 165, 70, 108, 107, 91, 196, 91, 150, 11, 238, 113, 125, 208, 35,
        130, 110, 131, 162, 141, 57, 180, 56, 62, 84, 176, 128, 201, 192, 64, 183, 23, 253, 251,
        79, 209, 186, 207, 95, 131, 96, 48, 206, 193, 142, 189, 2, 223, 217, 129, 107, 71, 142, 56,
        202, 190, 189, 114, 118, 100, 132, 177, 68, 145, 160, 28, 116, 178, 224, 10, 220, 183, 240,
        245, 151, 39, 202, 183, 56, 107, 46, 200, 35, 37, 40, 175, 119, 179, 127, 251, 246, 65,
        216, 166, 136, 136, 105, 230, 73, 216, 182, 48, 56, 206, 185, 1, 149, 38, 109, 34, 69, 0,
        68, 37, 112, 151, 201, 51, 46, 196, 235, 245, 130, 72, 62, 27, 175, 116, 180, 216, 200, 93,
        119, 29, 46, 110, 222, 124, 130, 211, 245, 73, 158, 162, 122, 85, 69, 235, 21, 60, 193,
        187, 174, 217, 246, 242, 254, 178, 233, 115, 226, 188, 90, 148, 79, 210, 251, 207, 255,
        116, 159, 62, 81, 184, 19, 70, 11, 234, 80, 20, 111, 134, 195, 60, 206, 48, 104, 236, 181,
        215, 142, 42, 154, 233, 241, 132, 106, 27, 96, 102, 85, 26, 106, 3, 147, 198, 192, 128, 12,
        247, 202, 32, 151, 203, 169, 176, 88, 18, 104, 117, 0, 55, 42, 232, 151, 212, 193, 226, 99,
        221, 91, 182, 168, 101, 147, 231, 204, 5, 123, 164, 68, 98, 137, 217, 151, 239, 50, 77,
        186, 38, 226, 118, 7, 131, 22, 157, 205, 198, 64, 42, 53, 138, 226, 184, 26, 207, 142, 169,
        177, 236, 168, 234, 214, 11, 83, 114, 54, 75, 88, 176, 63, 43, 125, 93, 79, 44, 158, 231,
        29, 92, 133, 251, 226, 183, 226, 152, 121, 179, 123, 248, 66, 68, 148, 184, 160, 24, 249,
        136, 213, 171, 167, 252, 73, 100, 250, 50, 33, 156, 54, 29, 148, 32, 152, 34, 106, 2, 10,
        134, 12, 124, 80, 84, 182, 152, 213, 13, 89, 142, 155, 34, 161, 133, 48, 163, 48, 143, 245,
        102, 190, 232, 15, 89, 221, 115, 48, 166, 186, 129, 19, 197, 119, 51, 28, 71, 29, 124, 250,
        233, 222, 67, 101, 115, 231, 197, 69, 241, 136, 203, 53, 87, 164, 233, 38, 212, 100, 220,
        214, 160, 255, 68, 234, 253, 217, 251, 133, 253, 149, 239, 201, 241, 89, 19, 118, 246, 203,
        8, 170, 174, 197, 11, 206, 215, 235, 133, 220, 210, 8, 22, 139, 136, 182, 78, 34, 100, 42,
        245, 190, 20, 10, 205, 65, 116, 29, 135, 29, 175, 81, 218, 112, 93, 16, 23, 69, 72, 101,
        229, 170, 66, 125, 253, 98, 148, 97, 106, 57, 199, 169, 114, 83, 244, 124, 70, 161, 128,
        144, 119, 103, 5, 169, 210, 180, 141, 0, 131, 54, 182, 222, 84, 215, 214, 182, 161, 154,
        97, 170, 243, 83, 83, 253, 125, 178, 60, 97, 37, 147, 251, 164, 202, 202, 175, 85, 200,
        114, 162, 244, 61, 210, 5, 113, 81, 132, 68, 34, 221, 73, 191, 191, 182, 199, 182, 9, 119,
        125, 253, 218, 234, 182, 182, 127, 108, 174, 170, 186, 50, 72, 146, 36, 12, 19, 6, 71, 81,
        2, 27, 30, 126, 110, 228, 228, 201, 95, 14, 10, 194, 158, 130, 101, 77, 72, 154, 150, 22,
        51, 153, 253, 162, 219, 29, 133, 159, 115, 159, 250, 199, 205, 185, 114, 81, 132, 4, 131,
        221, 48, 126, 145, 223, 217, 118, 226, 164, 40, 190, 145, 79, 38, 255, 71, 50, 140, 62, 53,
        16, 168, 12, 180, 180, 220, 218, 54, 111, 222, 191, 206, 225, 249, 74, 70, 146, 222, 205,
        97, 88, 222, 36, 8, 3, 54, 185, 53, 180, 170, 90, 158, 193, 193, 173, 25, 28, 15, 164, 203,
        166, 206, 155, 139, 34, 164, 4, 236, 243, 246, 5, 2, 85, 239, 40, 202, 184, 38, 73, 199,
        28, 73, 74, 85, 21, 139, 66, 64, 215, 227, 176, 37, 59, 146, 55, 140, 140, 205, 243, 159,
        139, 70, 34, 183, 55, 55, 52, 60, 216, 78, 211, 181, 20, 220, 146, 104, 150, 149, 217, 227,
        241, 116, 15, 150, 205, 156, 55, 23, 77, 72, 36, 178, 82, 15, 133, 22, 252, 134, 101, 185,
        247, 29, 39, 51, 230, 118, 47, 176, 162, 209, 175, 211, 154, 150, 74, 143, 142, 62, 57, 40,
        203, 163, 170, 101, 105, 6, 77, 243, 48, 57, 84, 243, 44, 91, 231, 166, 40, 125, 75, 32,
        176, 251, 135, 179, 103, 127, 255, 130, 99, 228, 162, 20, 196, 143, 16, 197, 30, 48, 52,
        244, 84, 71, 60, 222, 119, 27, 65, 44, 90, 226, 114, 117, 213, 38, 147, 59, 50, 211, 211,
        175, 36, 16, 196, 134, 37, 4, 40, 240, 149, 231, 184, 250, 233, 64, 160, 117, 31, 207, 43,
        111, 116, 119, 255, 254, 99, 223, 79, 157, 47, 23, 85, 200, 71, 12, 15, 255, 136, 207, 100,
        62, 104, 86, 20, 171, 73, 81, 116, 151, 97, 12, 11, 4, 225, 100, 9, 194, 158, 166, 105, 39,
        227, 118, 219, 185, 57, 115, 98, 23, 84, 0, 63, 227, 51, 62, 227, 92, 0, 224, 127, 1, 208,
        202, 28, 31, 66, 176, 235, 16, 0, 0, 0, 3, 82, 117, 83, 116, 104, 101, 121, 158, 176, 245,
        160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73, 69, 78, 68, 174, 66, 96, 130,


Chapter 4: Command Line Arguments

If you made it this far, the hard part is over. Congrats!

We're going to take a little detour right now and get our command line arguments set up. Having arguments set up will make it really easy to work on the last part of this project.

You can parse command line arguments manually, but I highly recommend that you use a crate for this. clap is your best bet here. It does all of the work to make a nice command line interface for you. All you have to do is get your data out.

At the time of this writing, clap is integrating the derive macros from another fantastic crate called structopt. These macros make it trivial to map arguments to Rust types. You can check out version 3.0.0-beta.1 of clap to use these macros, or you can use structopt.

I put my argument types in a module called args. There aren't any more unit tests so you can put yours wherever your want.

When you're done, you should be able to run your program with commands similar to this:

pngme encode ./dice.png ruSt "This is a secret message!

pngme decode ./dice.png ruSt

pngme remove ./dice.png ruSt

pngme print ./dice.png


Add command line argument support.


You should have four subcommands each with their own set of parameters.


  • File path
  • Chunk type
  • Message
  • Output file (optional)


  • File path
  • Chunk type


  • File path
  • Chunk type


  • File path


Chapter 5: Using Your Code to Write More Code

This is my favorite part.

We've finished our library code and we've done the busywork to get input from the user via command line arguments. The only thing left to do is glue it all together.

You're using your own code to write more code here, which means you'll be able to evaluate what you wrote before from the perspective of a user. If you think your library code is annoying to work with, now is the time to revisit it. I like to take a two pronged approach to my APIs. I have the flexible but potentially cumbersome base logic that does all of the heavy lifting, then I add a bunch of nice helper code to make the common use cases easier to work with.

I put my code for this step in a module called commands because it's designed around the four subcommands that we support, but you can structure your code however you want.

There isn't much else I can say here, so get to work!


Map your command line arguments to your PNG code and bring this project home!


Chapter 6: Next Steps

If you're reading this, hopefully you just got done posting a bunch of inappropriate messages to your company's Slack hidden inside innocent cat pictures. I know that's the first thing I did.

So what's next? Here are a few suggestions.

If you want to keep working on this program

  1. Split your code up into a library and binary
  2. Add support for URL inputs and downloading images from the internet
  3. Add support for other file types
  4. Add an option to encrypt or obfuscate your hidden messages
  5. Figure out a way to automatically detect potential messages hidden in a PNG file

If you like playing with bytes

  1. Implement a CHIP-8 Interpreter
    • This is the best next project IMO. If you're self-taught like me, you probably have a lot of little computer science knowledge gaps that you don't know about. You're basically making a CPU simulator here. You'll get exposure to a lot of things that most people don't normally encounter during their normal programming adventures.
  2. cryptopals
    • Sort of like Project Euler for cryptography. No prerequisite knowledge required.

If you like implementing a spec

  1. Implement a CHIP-8 Interpreter
    • For real, go do this.
  2. Advent of Code 2019 has a really fun sequence of challenges that have you build your own little code interpreter.
    • This is more of a guided experience than diving into CHIP-8 if that's your thing
  3. Implement PNG image decoding
    • Good luck

If you like this style of learning

  1. Programming Projects for Advanced Beginners


If you get stuck on any chapter, here are some hints to keep you going. At the bottom of each page, you'll also find code stubs that will satisfy all of the unit tests in that chapter.

These hints are mostly just links to useful features in the standard library documentation.

Chapter 1 Hints


  1. u8::is_ascii_uppercase
  2. u8::is_ascii_lowercase

Implementing FromStr

  1. str::as_bytes


fn main() {
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;

use crate::{Error, Result};

/// A validated PNG chunk type. See the PNG spec for more details.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ChunkType {
    // Write me!

impl ChunkType {
    /// Returns the raw bytes contained in this chunk
    pub fn bytes(&self) -> [u8; 4] {

    /// Returns the property state of the first byte as described in the PNG spec
    pub fn is_critical(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the property state of the second byte as described in the PNG spec
    pub fn is_public(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the property state of the third byte as described in the PNG spec
    pub fn is_reserved_bit_valid(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the property state of the fourth byte as described in the PNG spec
    pub fn is_safe_to_copy(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns true if the reserved byte is valid and all four bytes are represented by the characters A-Z or a-z.
    /// Note that this chunk type should always be valid as it is validated during construction.
    pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {

    /// Valid bytes are represented by the characters A-Z or a-z
    pub fn is_valid_byte(byte: u8) -> bool {

impl TryFrom<[u8; 4]> for ChunkType {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Self> {

impl fmt::Display for ChunkType {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

impl FromStr for ChunkType {
    type Err = Error;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {

Chapter 2 Hints

Getting bytes from a string

You can turn a &str into a Vec<u8> using str::bytes.

let bytes: Vec<u8> = your_str.bytes().collect();

Getting a string from bytes

You can turn a Vec<u8> into a String using String::from_utf8.

Working with iterators

You can chain iterators together using Iterator::chain.

You might run into trouble getting the types of your iterators to match. You can use Iterator::copied or Iterator::cloned to ensure that your iterator is working with values rather than references.

fn main() {
let result = first_collection

Reading bytes

You can turn a [u8; 4] into a u32 with u32::from_be_bytes. The be stands for big endian.

You can read a fixed number of bytes from a reader using Read::read_exact. Chunks have several different 4-byte sequences.

fn main() {
let mut reader = BufReader::new(bytes);
let mut buffer: [u8; 4] = [0, 0, 0, 0];

reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
let data_length = u32::from_be_bytes(buffer);


fn main() {
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{BufReader, Read};

use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::png::ChunkType;

/// A validated PNG chunk. See the PNG Spec for more details
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Chunk {
    // Write me!

impl Chunk {
    /// The length of the data portion of this chunk.
    pub fn length(&self) -> u32 {

    /// The `ChunkType` of this chunk
    pub fn chunk_type(&self) -> &ChunkType {

    /// The raw data contained in this chunk in bytes
    pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// The CRC of this chunk
    pub fn crc(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Returns the data stored in this chunk as a `String`. This function will return an error
    /// if the stored data is not valid UTF-8.
    pub fn data_as_string(&self) -> Result<String> {

    /// Returns this chunk as a byte sequences described by the PNG spec.
    /// The following data is included in this byte sequence in order:
    /// 1. Length of the data *(4 bytes)*
    /// 2. Chunk type *(4 bytes)*
    /// 3. The data itself *(`length` bytes)*
    /// 4. The CRC of the chunk type and data *(4 bytes)*
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for Chunk {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {

impl fmt::Display for Chunk {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        writeln!(f, "Chunk {{",)?;
        writeln!(f, "  Length: {}", self.length())?;
        writeln!(f, "  Type: {}", self.chunk_type())?;
        writeln!(f, "  Data: {} bytes",;
        writeln!(f, "  Crc: {}", self.crc())?;
        writeln!(f, "}}",)?;

Chapter 3 Hints

Working with bytes and iterators

Check out the Chapter 2 Hints for some tips about working with bytes and iterators.


fn main() {
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{BufReader, Read};
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;

use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::chunk::Chunk;
use crate::chunk_type::ChunkType;

/// A PNG container as described by the PNG spec
pub struct Png {
    // Write me!

impl Png {
    // Fill in this array with the correct values per the PNG spec
    pub const STANDARD_HEADER: [u8; 8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

    /// Creates a `Png` from a list of chunks using the correct header
    pub fn from_chunks(chunks: Vec<Chunk>) -> Self {

    /// Creates a `Png` from a file path
    pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self> {

    /// Appends a chunk to the end of this `Png` file's `Chunk` list.
    pub fn append_chunk(&mut self, chunk: Chunk) {

    /// Searches for a `Chunk` with the specified `chunk_type` and removes the first
    /// matching `Chunk` from this `Png` list of chunks.
    pub fn remove_chunk(&mut self, chunk_type: &str) -> Result<Chunk> {

    /// The header of this PNG.
    pub fn header(&self) -> &[u8; 8] {

    /// Lists the `Chunk`s stored in this `Png`
    pub fn chunks(&self) -> &[Chunk] {

    /// Searches for a `Chunk` with the specified `chunk_type` and returns the first
    /// matching `Chunk` from this `Png`.
    pub fn chunk_by_type(&self, chunk_type: &str) -> Option<&Chunk> {

    /// Returns this `Png` as a byte sequence.
    /// These bytes will contain the header followed by the bytes of all of the chunks.
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for Png {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Png> {

impl fmt::Display for Png {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

Chapter 4 Hints


fn main() {
use std::path::PathBuf;

pub enum PngMeArgs {

pub struct EncodeArgs {
    // Write me!

pub struct DecodeArgs {
    // Write me!

pub struct RemoveArgs {
    // Write me!

pub struct PrintArgs {
    // Write me!

Chapter 5 Hints

Working with files

There are some nice functions in the standard library for reading and writing files. std::fs::read and std::fs::write in particular.

If you're writing a function that reads from a file, there's a nice way to accept the file's path as a parameter using the AsRef trait. Your function signature will look something like fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P).

Working with strings and bytes

See the Chapter 2 Hints


fn main() {
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fs;
use std::str::FromStr;

use crate::{Error, Result};
use crate::args::{DecodeArgs, EncodeArgs, PrintArgs, RemoveArgs};
use crate::png::{Chunk, ChunkType, Png};

/// Encodes a message into a PNG file and saves the result
pub fn encode(args: EncodeArgs) -> Result<()> {

/// Searches for a message hidden in a PNG file and prints the message if one is found
pub fn decode(args: DecodeArgs) -> Result<()> {

/// Removes a chunk from a PNG file and saves the result
pub fn remove(args: RemoveArgs) -> Result<()> {

/// Prints all of the chunks in a PNG file
pub fn print_chunks(args: PrintArgs) -> Result<()> {